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What to do in Hong Kong – The Mills

The Mills - Things to do in Hong Kong

The Mills is a refurbished cotton factory that has been turned into a cultural centre and design hub located in Tsuen Wan. Previously known as Nan Fung Textiles, this building was used as a cotton factory in the peak of the textile industry in Hong Kong during the 1950s and 1960s.

With the need to cut costs, many textile factories moved to China where labour and costs were considerably cheaper, and with this rising land and labour costs in Hong Kong, the industry in Hong Kong shrunk. This left the Nan Fung Textiles building abandoned for many years until its now refurbishment.

What to do at The Mills

Spend some time exploring the shopping arcade, featuring up and coming brands with strong makers culture throughout the arcade. One shop even allows you to 3D print a charm of your pet. There is plenty to eat at the Mills, including a small brewery featuring local Hong Kong craft beers.

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Take a walk through the rooftop parks at the mills, with grass and fresh growing veggies. A contrast to the concrete buildings around, you feel as if you are in an oasis in among the busy Hong Kong city. Explore the museum, featuring pictures and machinery and very a fascinating look into making textiles involved.

The Mills - What to do in Hong Kong

More information about The Mills

Address: 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan, New Territories
Tel: +852 3979 2300

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