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Artist, illustrator & explorer who loves creating pretty things

To do notes

I usually start the new year on a high, ready to take on the year and stick to goals that I have set for myself. By the time February rolls around, you’re back into your bad habits and finding it hard to stay focused. This year I’m trying to break that habit and go into each day a bit more considered and planned.

I wanted to create a to-do note that I can use every morning while enjoying my morning coffee in bed and jot down some of the important stuff that I need to focus on doing for the day.

Usually, I look at including these things in my to-do list where possible:

  1. Some form of physical activity for the day – whether its just a walk outside or a gym session.
  2. Some form of creativity – sometimes I have to set aside time to illustrate and make art, and when your day gets busy, it’s easy for this to become sidelined
  3. Quality time with family which means no phones or TV
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