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Artist, illustrator & explorer who loves creating pretty things

Reflecting on 2023 and planning for 2024

Goodbye 2023! What an incredible year it has been! This year has brought about massive shifts and changes for me, with my baby boy officially turning one year old and us entering the toddler stage. Needless to say, it has been a busy year for me. Despite the chaos, I am grateful that my family was able to travel together and create new experiences for my son, Oliver. This year has also been about trying to find a new normal, and prioritizing time for family, art, and mental health.

I love the idea of having moments in life where you can sit back, reflect and decide to adopt a new way of thinking and living. It’s like closing a gate behind you or opening a new door. At the start of this year, I wrote down a list of questions that I have asked myself. These questions have helped me appreciate all that has happened so far, and also put together a vision of where I would like to go this year. I have included the list of questions below for you to use. I hope you will find the courage to take out an afternoon to spend on asking yourself these questions honestly and with kindness. Here’s to a new year, a fresh start, and a new way of being.

Oh Hey Cindy - Looking back

Looking back on 2023

  1. Top word or feeling for 2023?
  2. What am I most proud of in 2023?
  3. What could I have done differently?
  4. What was my biggest challenge?
  5. What am I most grateful for in 2023?
  6. What do I need to leave in 2023?
  7. In what ways did I let others dictate my happiness?
  8. How did I make others feel in 2023?
  9. How did I step outside my comfort zone?
  10. How could I have been kinder?

Looking ahead in 2024

  1. Top word or feeling for 2024
  2. What kind of person do I want to be this year?
  3. What is one thing to achieve this year?
  4. How do I want to prioritise my life this year?
  5. What areas of my life will I focus on?
  6. One thing to bring into 2024?
  7. One thing I want to learn?
  8. How can I show gratitude this year?
  9. How can I better care for my health?
  10. How can I better care for my mind?

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